The General tab for a Job Order contains the contractual information about the Job Order, including the Client name, the Job definition, key dates, compensation details etc.

There are some differences between the Contract Job Order and the Direct Hire Job Order : The Positions sub-tabs have different Billing and Fee components.


The general tab of a Job Order has the following main sections:

WHO placed the Order, including key contacts

WHAT the order is about: job title, description etc

WHEN the positions start and end

WHERE the position is located, from a geographical perspective

Warranty Period in days (mandatory field) for Direct Hire Jobs

Positions (one of more Positions per Job Order)

Job Requirements (Skills, Experience, Industry)

Job Order Notes with optional time stamp

Order Details (only for Direct Hire orders)

Order Team details


Example:  Contract Job Order General tab



Example:  Contract Job Order General tab Job Requirements



Example:  Contract Job Order General tab Job Order Notes



Example:  Contract Job Order General tab Order Team



Example:  Direct Hire Job Order General tab
