Add New Company and Address

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To Add a New Company and Address record:

1.From the Deskflow Toolbar, click the Companies icon. The Companies screen appears.

2.From the Companies screen, click the Add New Company button.

NOTE:  A warning is issued if the new Company name already exists.

3.To add a new Address for a Company, click the Addresses tab, then click the blue Create New Company Address icon.

4.To link a Current Contact to a selected business address, click the Link Current Contact to Business Address.

5.To add a new Contact to a Company, click the Contacts tab, then click the Add New Person as Current Contact icon.

6.To add industry classifications to a Company, click the Add Link to Industry, select an industry, then click OK.

7.To add Attributes to a Company, click the Attributes tab, then click the Add Attributes.


The following shows several ways to add a new Company into Deskflow:

Enter a Company profile using the Add New Company feature.

Enter multiple Company profiles from an Excel spreadsheet.

Enter multiple Company profiles from an Outlook contact list.

Enter a Company as a Business Card entry.

Enter a Company as an employer from the Career Centre registration form.

Enter a Company as an employer by parsing a resume attached to an email.