Add New Person

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To Add a Contact or Candidate Record From Deskflow Toolbar:

1.From the Deskflow Toolbar, click the People icon. A pop-up list appears.

2.Select Business Card Entry. The Business Card Entry screen appears.

3.Enter Last Name and First Name.

4.Type the title in the Title field.

5.From the Type drop-down list, select Contact or Candidate.

6.Type any additional information in the rest of the fields.

7.Click Save.

NOTE:  If a duplicate person record exists, then a warning message appears.

To Add a Contact or Candidate Record From the People Screen:

1.Click People > People View. The People screen appears.

2.From the People screen, click the Add Contact icon to add a Person record.

3.Enter data in any field on any tab.

NOTE:  If you click to another tab without saving your entries, a Deskflow message will appear prompting you to save your changes first.

4.From the Type drop-down list, select Contact or Candidate.

5.Click Save.