Browse Temporary Assignments

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To Browse Temporary Assignments:

1.Search for a list of Temporary Assignments or Driver requests

2.Perform a Right-mouse-click in the blue header to display options

3.Set Billboard mode refresh timer ON. This causes the list to refresh at a 15, 30, 60 or 120 second interval.

4.Vertical text (in red) in the right margin indicates that the Billboard mode is ON

5.The billboard will refresh every X seconds as per the setting in line 3 above

6.The billboard mode will be turned off after zooming to Details of a Temporary Assignment

7.Temporary assignments are colour coded based on position status as follows:

a.Green = Filled background

b.Pink = Open background

c.Canceled = Grey background

d.Unspecified = White background


Example: List of Temporary Driver Requests
