Company Documents tab

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Company documents are cloned, imported, deleted, linked, created and mail merged from the Company Documents tab. A Deskflow User's workstation must have the appropriate document editors and viewers installed on the workstation in order to open the documents. Documents that can be converted to text, such as Word, XML, PDF, RTF, XLS and PPT, are full-text indexed. This provides a User with the ability to search for key phrases in documents.

Document Categories are not specific to individual parent records (such as a Person or Company)

Document Categories are global, and so a Document Category found in a Person Document tab is the same Document Category that is visible in a Company Documents view.


Action Icons for Company Documents:


Performing Tasks or Actions on Documents

To sort the document list, click a column heading.

To import a file from a URL, click Import file from URL.

To Clone a document, click Clone Selected Document and link to this Company.

To Create a mail merge document, click Create document via Template, then select a template from the library.

To Import a single document, click Import Document from File.

To Open a selected document, click Open Document.

To Link a document to this person, click Link Existing Document as Sent to Company.

To Mark multiple documents as email attachments, press ALT+Enter.

To Email selected documents, click E-mail Selected Documents.

To Delete a document, click Delete Document.

To Create a new Company Word document, click Create New Company Document.

To Setup Document security, click Set Document Permissions