Company Lists

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Lists of Companies are accessed from the Companies screen and are saved in the Company Lists folder.


A User can create, rename or delete Company lists.


There are shared Company folders that all Users can access and each User has a private folder area for saving Company lists.


Company lists can be copied, pasted, merged and deleted. They can be used as input to mass emails, mass faxes, mailings and as input to Company reports.


The results of any search that returns at least two Companies can be saved and opened later. Click Save and select a folder, enter a unique name for the Companies list, then click Save.


To view a Company list, click Companies > Find > Lists tab, then double-click a selected list.


Companies List

A list of Companies is the result of a Company search.

To sort on on any column, click the column once, or twice for the opposite sort.

To hide/show any column, click the green icon in the top left corner of the grid.

To move the relative position of a column, drag the column header left or right.

To save a list in a User-defined folder, click Save, select a folder, give the list a name, then click Save.

To print a report related the list of Companies, click Print located on the right-hand margin.

To show the record count for the list, see the bottom left corner of the list.