Create Candidate Profiles from Archived Resumes

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To Create Candidate Profiles from Archived Resumes:

1.From the Deskflow tool bar, click Tools. The Tools drop-down list appears.

2.From the Tools drop-down list, select Import People From Resumes. The Deskflow Resume Importer screen displays.

3.Click Open Resumes. The Open dialog box displays.

4.Press ALT+Click to multi-select Resume/CV files.

5.Click Open. The Resume Importer screen opens with three windows:

Top left window contains Resume/CV text from the selected Resume/CV in the sorted list.

Bottom window contains a sortable list of Resumes/CVs.

Top right window contains a data entry form partly filled with content from the selected Resume/CV.

6.Select the first record in the Resumes/CVs list in the bottom window.

7.View the Resume/CV details in the large window and confirm or edit data in the form.

8.Select the next Resume/CV record in sequence and repeat Step 7.

9.When all Resumes/CVs have been edited/approved, sort/browse on different columns as final step.

10.Delete unwanted Resumes/CVs on the bottom window

11.Click the Add to List icon to save the intended import to a Deskflow People list.

12.Optionally click Select Project/Job Order list to add the imported list to a Project or Job Order.

13.Click Import People Into DB. The Export Properties dialog box displays.

14.Enter an Owner from the User drop-down list.

15.Enter an Origin from the drop-down list.

16.Enter a Person Type from the drop-down list.

17.Click OK. The Resume/CV data will be imported into the database.

18.The Import Results message displays the following types of information:

Processed 1 Files

New Candidates - 1

Duplicates - 0

Existing People - 0

13.Click OK. The Import Results message closes and the Resume Importer screen remains. All information that was populated in the Resume Importer is now removed and all files have been imported into Deskflow.

WARNING:  If a file appears in the Resume Importer screen with odd characters like %*#& and squares, or an error message, ensure that the file is not originally corrupted by going to the file from its originating location where it is saved and ensuring that it is not password protected. Files with special formatting of box fields within the file do not convert to text into Deskflow and will cause errors.