Delete a Person

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Deletion of a Person record can only be done by Users with the correct Workgroup permissions, as set in the Deskflow Administrator. See example below.


There are two levels of Person deletion that can be set:


Level 1: A Workgroup member can delete a Person and all dependent child records such as Employment, Activity History, Education, Personal Notes, Experience, Resumes, Network, Referrals, References, Informal References, Reverse Informal References, Documents, Credentials. Includes links to other business objects.


Level 2: A Workgroup member can delete any of the Person-dependent objects. A Level 2 permission can be set even if the Level 1 permission is not set.


Example: Person Deletion Permissions - Administrator Settings





To Delete a Person Record:

1.Select a Person record

2.Click the Delete Record icon in the right margin, DeleteB

3.Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

4.An audit record will be auto-created in a system table. It contains a date stamp and a record ID.

Note 1: A deleted Person record can not be recovered other than by restoring the record and its dependent records from a database backup.