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Personal Profile- Detail information about a Candidate, Person or Contact.


Company Profile- Detail information about a Company, Client or Vendor.


Candidate- A person who could be considered for one or more open positions or jobs.


Candidate Development- The process whereby a Candidate is pre screened, qualified and deemed interested in a position prior to being submitted to a Client.


Contact- A contact is a person who works for a Company, Client or Vendor. This person is usually not a Candidate, but could be in certain circumstances.


Prospect- A Contact or a Company that is a prospective Client.


Lead Generator- A Contact that is not being considered for a position, but one that can be called for leads (see Source).


Source- A Contact that is not being considered for a position, but one that can be called for leads (see Lead Generator).


Job Order- A position for which Candidates are being sought or screened. A Job Order can be for either a full time position (called a Direct Hire Order) or for a temporary position (called a Contract Order). Other terms commonly used for a Job Order are: Mandate, Requisition, Search.


Project- An exclusive search for an Executive level Candidate that is usually billed on a retainer basis. Sometimes called a Search, a Mandate, a Requisition, an Assignment or a Job Order.


Candidate Block- Also known as Off-Limits, a Candidate is blocked from being used on a Project or Job Order. A Candidate can be manually blocked, or automatically blocked by being an employee of a Client Company.


Project Block- A Project Block is placed on a Candidate when the Candidate is presented to a Client (Yellow block) or scheduled for an interview with a Client (Red block). A Project Block is automatically removed when the Project is completed or canceled.