Import Excel File

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To Import an Excel Spreadsheet into Deskflow:

1. Select an Excel file and worksheet.

a.From the Deskflow Toolbar, click Tools > Import From Excel. The Import Form screen appears.

b.From the Excel File Name field, click the Red Pushpin and select an Excel spreadsheet.

c.From the Worksheet Name drop down list, select the worksheet.


Example: Excel Import Form 1-A



Example: Excel Import Form - Custom Keys



2.Select Options for Importing People and Duplicate Resolution Method:

a.Manually Resolve Duplicate People and Company.

If this option is selected, the User must use caution in defining duplicate resolution criteria. This option also provides for manual intervention during the actual import process.


The default setting is that People duplicates match only on LastName and FirstName

and that Company duplicates match on the exact same Company name.


Problem: By matching on only LastName and FirstName, imported John Smith data will overwrite existing data for John Smith. This could lead to corrupted data if the two John Smiths are different People.


It is advisable to always match on three factors instead of two factors.

For example, match on three values such as LastName+FirstName+HomePhone

If a match is done on three factors, then a second John Smith record will be created if his HomePhone is different from that of the existing John Smith.


Setup People Duplicates resolution based on one of these:


Last Name + First Name + (optional) Home Phone + (optional) Work Phone + (optional) Email Address.

Custom Key = select from drop down list, ie. PersonCode + select from drop down list, ie. CompanyCode.

Setup Companies Duplicates resolution based on one of these:

Company Name + (optional) Switchboard + (optional) Toll Free.

Custom Key = select from drop down list, ie. CompanyCode + (optional) select from drop down list.


Example: Excel Import Form - Manually Resolve Duplicates



Duplicates List for Manual Resolution


Example: Duplicates for Manual Resolution Form 1-A



One of three actions must be chosen for each duplicate


Example: Duplicates for Manual Resolution Form 1-B



b. Options for Importing People


If the Manually Resolve option is not checked, then the User has three options for how duplicate records will be processed:


Option 1: Replace Duplicates with imported items (overwrite existing data)

Setup People Duplicates resolution based on one of these:


Last Name + First Name + (optional) Home Phone + (optional) Work Phone + (optional) Email Address.

Custom Key = select from drop down list, ie. PersonCode + select from drop down list, ie. CompanyCode.

Setup Companies Duplicates resolution based on one of these:

Company Name + (optional) Switchboard + (optional) Toll Free.

Custom Key = select from drop down list, ie. CompanyCode + (optional) select from drop down list.


Example: Excel Import Form 3



Option 2: Allow duplicates to be created

Setup People Duplicates resolution based on one of these:


Last Name + First Name + (optional) Home Phone + (optional) Work Phone + (optional) Email Address.

Custom Key = select from drop down list, ie. PersonCode + select from drop down list, ie. CompanyCode.

Setup Companies Duplicates resolution based on one of these:

Company Name + (optional) Switchboard + (optional) Toll Free

Custom Key = select from drop down list,(eg CompanyCode) + Optionally select from drop down list


Example: Excel Import Form 1-D



Option 3: Do not import duplicate items

Setup People Duplicates resolution based on one of these:


Last Name + First Name + (optional) Home Phone + (optional) Work Phone + (optional) Email Address.

Custom Key = select from drop down list, ie. PersonCode + select from drop down list, ie. CompanyCode.


Note: As of August 2010,  Custom Keys can be designed by a User. See below


Example: Custom Key Sel;ection


Example: Custom Key Creation


Setup Companies Duplicates resolution based on one of these:

Company Name + (optional) Switchboard + (optional) Toll Free.

Custom Key = select from drop down list, ie. CompanyCode + (optional) select from drop down list.


Example: Excel Import Form 1-E



3.Define Field Mapping Template Option.

a.Select one of the following options from the Field Mapping section:

New (mapping template - most commonly selected).

Format From Export to Excel (re-use previously saved Mapping Template).

b.Click Next. The Import Form second screen appears.


4.Enter a Name for the Imported List.

a.Enter a People and/or Company List Name so that the User can find and review the imported data.


Example: Excel Import List Name(s)



5.Map Source Fields in Excel to Destination Fields in Deskflow.

a.From the second Import Form screen, click the first item's check box in the Select Source Field.

b.From the Select Target Field window, click the matching Deskflow field. Matchup list appears in bottom section.

c.Repeat Steps a and b for the next item in Select Target Field list. Repeat these two steps until all items are matched.

d.Add more Target Fields by clicking the blue + icon. Select target fields from: People, Companies, Positions, ActivityHistory, HomeAddresses,WorkAddresses, EMailAddress,Resumes, Job Orders, Job Order Positions.

e.Optional - Add Skills, Company Attributes, Industries to the import.

f.From the Import Form window, click Import on the far right side.

g.A pop up message appears saying, Import Finished.

h.From the pop up message, click OK. The message closes and the Import Form screen remains open.

i.From the Import Form screen, click Close. The Import Form screen closes and the import is completed.

j.Check for import errors in the file called: C:\Excel_Import_Errors.txt


6.Rules for Importing Email Addresses

If there is NO email address in the Deskflow person profile - the imported email address is made the default.

If there are email addresses in the Deskflow person profile but no default set - the imported email address is made default

If the exact same email address is in the Deskflow person profile - the email address from the spreadsheet is not added and there is no change in default setting

If the email address in Deskflow person profile is different and set as default - the imported address will be added but default is not changed.

Example: Excel Import Form 2-A



Example: Add Target Fields
