Network tab

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For the Current Person whose profile is open on the screen, the Network tab shows four lists of people:


Network Sub-tab

This is a list of people associated with the Current Person.

These can be friends, associates, or fellow-members of an organization such as Facebook etc


Referrals Sub-tab

The Current Person provides a list of Referrals that are names of people who could be useful for a specific purpose such as a Recommended Candidate for a job or a prospective sales lead.

When a recruiter or consultant is interviewing a candidate (the Current Person) for an open position or job, the candidate would be asked to mention names of friends that may also be suitable for the same position.


References Sub-tab

The Current Person can provide names of people who can verify his/her background, credentials, or previous job history. These people are called References and each one would provide a 'Letter of Reference'

This view accumulates names of References entered via a Project or Job Order.


Informal References

An Informal Reference is a person who provides background information on the Current Person without ever having met the Current Person.

The background information is therefore unverified and hearsay.


Example: People Network Tab
