Project Research tabs

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The Research tab is used for assembling six types of Candidate lists. The best Candidates from each of these lists are then assigned to the Contact Register for detailed evaluation and screening.


The six Candidate lists in the Research tab are: File Search, Benchmark Candidates, Target Companies Employees, Ad Respondents, Source Referrals and Internal Search.


Research tabs are used in the following ways:

File Search - used to list Candidates who have been included in the search as a result of an imported spreadsheet or a Deskflow database search.

Preliminary assessments of candidates can be made in Search Contact Records (SCRs).

Candidates can be called to check interest level and availability.

Suitable Candidates can be copied to the Contact Register (Long List).


The Icons Located above each Project List mean:

HCreate an activity history record.
BellSet a Left Message status, or set the Candidate Status.
SCreate a Search Contact Record (SCR) or open the existing one. There is only one SCR per Candidate per Project.
PrinterPreview and print a report of all Candidates in the list. Icon can be programmed with a preferred report using a right-mouse click.
Red Push PinSearch for a Candidate by name.
BinocularSearch for Candidates using one of: People Search, Power Search, Lists, Past Projects, Past Job Orders, Event Invitees.
Blue Minus Remove selected Candidate(s) from the list.
ZoomZoom to the Candidate record.
OutlookSend email to the selected Candidate(s).
WordMail merge a document using Candidate data and a selectable merge template.


Candidate Status Codes:

Candidates in the list show these status columns:

M = Message Left, indicated with a Yellow, Blue or Red bell symbol. This Status carries across to all Candidate lists in the Project, but does not carry across to other Projects involving the same Candidate.

R =  Relative Rank, a zero to ten character value for ranking the candidate relative to others in the same list.  Used to identify the (relative) best candidates in the list. The Rank value only associates with the currently displayed list, and does not carry across to any other list in the same Project. When used in conjunction with a Status of No, it can track a reason code such as (Not Interested - Money).

R2 =  Relative Rank2, a zero to ten character value for ranking the candidate relative to others in the same list.  Used to identify the (relative) best candidates in the list. The Rank2  value only associates with the currently displayed list, and does not carry across to any other list in the same Project. When used in conjunction with a Status of No, it can track a reason code such as (Not Interested - Money).

SCR = Search Contact Record (SCR). One SCR record per Candidate per Project.

S = Candidate Status, with values of Yes, No, Pending. Carries across to all Candidate lists in a Project, but does not carry across to Candidate lists in other Projects.

C = Client Block Status (Yellow or Red). Carries across to all Candidate lists in a Project.

P = Project Block Status (Yellow or Red). Carries across to all Candidate lists in a Project.

TO = Turn Off Indicator (red for To-do, green for Done). Shows as Red or Green check mark. Carries across to all other Candidate lists in the Project.

CV = CV or Resume is present (Y) or not present (N).

For a selected Candidate, a right mouse button click sets R = Relative Ranking and S = Selection Status codes.

A Message left for a Candidate shows a bell symbol in the M = Message Left column.

A Search Contact Record (SCR) for a Candidate shows a red check mark  in the @ column.

An Acceptable Candidate, from the Recruiter's perspective, has a red check mark  in the S = Candidate Status column.

A Pending Candidate, from the Recruiter's perspective, has a ?  in the S = Candidate Status column.

An Unacceptable Candidate, from the Recruiter's perspective, has a no entryB in the S = Candidate Status column.

Candidate Blocking Rules:

A Candidate blocked as an employee of a Client organization has a Yellow bar in the C = Client Block column.

A Candidate blocked as a Client team member has a Red bar in the P = Project Block column.

A Candidate blocked as a Placed Candidate has a Red bar in the P = Project Block column.

A Candidate blocked as a Candidate on another search, who is on the Presented list or at Presented stage, has a Yellow bar in the P = Project Block column.

A Candidate blocked on another Search and is past the Presented stage (Shortlist), has a Red bar in the P = Project Block column.

Selected Candidate(s) that are not blocked may be forwarded to the List for Interview.


Example: Project File Search



Benchmark - used to list Candidates who have been identified as ideal for the Project. However they are not available for the Project. They are used as a comparison for finding additional Candidates.


Example: Benchmark Candidates



Target Companies  - used to list Target Companies and identify target Company employees that could be of interest.


Example: Target Companies



Target Company Employees - used to list target Companies employees and determine their suitability for the Project.


Example: Target Company Employees




Advert. Respondents - used to list Candidates who have responded to Internet or print advertisements. Candidates profiles are auto-generated and if the web posting contained skills and general questions, auto-ranking of candidates can be done.


Example: Advert. Respondents



Sources  - used to list Sources. These are individuals who may know of and refer suitable Candidates.


Example: Sources



Recommended - used to list Candidates recommended or referred by Sources.


Example: Candidate Recommended by Sources



Internal Search - used to list employees referred by the Client as internal Candidates for the project.


Example: Internal Candidates



To Assign Candidate(s) to Next Stages:

1.Multi-select Candidate(s) with ALT+Click.

2.Click the Move Candidates to Next Stages icon.

3.Select Move to Contact Register or any other stage.

4.Candidate name is added to list in the Contact Register (displayed in right-side window).


NOTE: Move multiple Candidates at one time by holding down the CTRL key and clicking multiple Candidates before clicking Move Candidates to Next Stages.