Project tab

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The Project first page is used for entering, viewing and editing high-level information about a Project such as:

Project Code, which is manually entered

Confidential flag - which indicates that confidentiality is required within the Client environment

Web Posting ID (auto-assigned when web posting is created)

Partner Login Name

Coordinator Login Name

Job Title (position title)

Project Status - with values such as Active, Completed, On Hold, Canceled, Prospect, Lost etc

Office location (Branch) responsible for the Project

Role Code - two level coding assigned to the open Position

Project Type - with values such as Full Search, Research Only, Joint Venture etc

Practice Group responsible for the Project

Client Name and Address

Client Industries - three level coding structure

Client Status - with values such as Active Client, Former Client, Prospect, Preferred Account

Position Currency Code (defaults to Main Currency Code defined via System Config setting)

Client Proposal for Compensation - Base Salary plus benefits (Uses Position Currency Code)

Compensation notes

Proposal Date and Confirmation Date

Search Started date and Search Completed date

Project Planner (which takes the bottom half of the window when opened)

Project Notes or Position Description

Elapsed Days - a calculated field showing the number of elapsed days from the Confirmation Date


Example: Project Main page
