Schedule and Complete a Phone Call

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To Schedule a Phone Call:

1.On the Diary screen or the Deskflow Toolbar, click Phone Call icon, phone call iconB.  The Task Editor dialog box appears.

2.Click the Add / Remove  Participant(s) icon to add Deskflow Users.

3.Select Deskflow Users required to attend the Phone call

4.Click the Add Link to Contact(s) icon

5.Select external contacts/people to attend the Phone call

6.Enter a Subject.

7.Type Details.

8.Select a Start Date and Time

9.Select an End Date and Time

10.Set Alarm On.

11.Click Save and Exit.


To Perform an Action on a Phone Call item:

1.Right-click the Phone Call item

2.Select one of these options:

Change Start Date

View Status

View Details

View Thread




Complete For Me (if a task is assigned to multiple Users, only complete it for yourself).

Delete For Me (if a task is assigned to multiple Users, only delete it for yourself).

Open MCR (Marketing Call Report)


To Complete a Phone Call:

1.From the Diary screen, right click on the Phone call. A pop-up list appears.

2.From the pop-up list, select Complete For Me.

3.Type the details.

4.Click the Create New Activity History check box.

5.Click OK.

6.Enter Activity History notes.

7.Click OK.


NOTE: You can create a follow-up task, appointment, or phone call that will show a thread to this task. The follow-up task will have a line added in the Details of the follow-up task that says, Task as a result of "subject of the completed task". When viewing the thread of the follow-up task, appointment or phone call, the originating task will be listed in the thread.