View Considered Candidates List

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To View the Considered List on a Job Order:

1.Click the Considered tab.

3.For each Candidate on the Considered list, review the Candidate's profile.

4.If necessary, communicate with each Candidate by voice, email or mail.

5.Record triage Status code for each Candidate. The column heading is 'S'

6.Record relative Rank for each Candidate. The column heading is R

7.Record relative Rank2 for each Candidate. The column heading is R2

8.Record an SCR for each candidate. The column heading is SCR


Candidates Considered List:

Candidates in the list may be reviewed for suitability, emails may be sent to them, or letters created, using the icons above the list.

Candidates in the list shows these status columns:

R =  Relative Rank, a one to ten character value. Relative Rank is only associated with this list and does not transfer to any other list

R2 =  Relative Rank2, a one to ten character value. Relative Rank2 is only associated with this list and does not transfer to any other list

SCR = Search Contact Record (SCR). One SCR record per Candidate per JobOrder.

CV = CV or Resume is present ( ) or blank if not present

M = Message Left, indicated with a Yellow, Red or Blue bell symbol. This Status carries across to all Candidate lists in the JobOrder, but does not carry across to other JobOrder involving the same Candidate.

S = Candidate Status, with values of Yes, No, or Pending. Carries across to all Candidate lists in the JobOrder.

C = Client Block Status (Yellow or Red).

P = Personal Block Status (Yellow or Red).

TO = Turn Off flag. Value is if Turn-Off email is required. Value is if Turn-Off email has been sent.

E = Email address is present [] or blank if not present


Candidate Status Codes:

For a selected Candidate, a right-mouse click sets S =  Status codes and R = Relative Ranking.

A Message Left for a Candidate shows a bell symbol, MessageLeft in the M = Message Left column.

An Acceptable Candidate, from the Recruiter's perspective, has a red check mark  in the S = Candidate Status column.

A Pending Candidate, from the Recruiter's perspective, has a ?  in the S = Candidate Status column.

An Unacceptable Candidate, from the Recruiter's perspective, has a no entryB in the S = Candidate Status column.


Candidate Blocking Rules:

A Candidate blocked as an employee of a Client organization has a Yellow bar in the C = Client Block column.

A Candidate blocked as a Placed Candidate has a Red bar in the C = Client Block column.

A Candidate blocked as a Candidate on another Job Order, prior to the Internal Interview stage, has a Yellow bar in the P = Personal Block column.

A Candidate blocked on another Job Order and is at or past the Internal Interview stage, has a Red bar in the P = Personal Block column.

Selected Candidate(s) who are not blocked may be forwarded to the Interview register list  by clicking the Move Candidates to Next Stages icon then clicking the Move to Contact Register.