Add a Person

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To Add a Person Record:

1.From the Deskflow Toolbar, click People. A pop-up list appears.

2.From the pop-up list, select People View. The People screen appears.

3.Search for a Person using Last name and First name.

If a Person exists, update the record.

If a Person does not exist, continue with step 4.

4.Click the Add Contact icon. A pop-up list appears.

5.From the pop-up list, select Full Data Entry or Quick Entry (Business Card Type).


NOTE: Mandatory data entry fields can be defined in the People Mandatory Fields editor accessed via the Deskflow Administrator.

NOTE: If you only have a name and contact information to enter, click the Quick Entry option.

There are eleven places or methods for adding a new person into a Deskflow database, some of which incorporate a Quick Entry form for entering business-card type data, while others provide very detailed forms or automated extraction of content from Resumes/CVs:

Quick Entry form (Business Card Type data).

Full Data Entry form in the People view.

Full Data Entry form in the Contacts view.

Multiple People using Excel spreadsheets.

Multiple People using an Outlook contact list.

Career Centre registration form.

Candidate application through the Career Centre Job Posting.

Enter a Person to an existing list of Company Contacts.

Enter a Person to an existing list of Associates or Peers at the same Company.

Enter a Person by parsing a Resume/CV attached to an email.

Enter a Person by parsing a list of saved resumes.


To Add a Quick Entry Person Record:

(Last name, First name and Title are mandatory)

1.From the Deskflow Toolbar, click People. A pop-up list is displayed.

2.From the pop-up list, select People View. The People screen is displayed.

3.Click the Add Contact icon. A pop-up list is displayed.

4.Select Quick Entry (Business Card Type) from the pop-up list.

5.Enter a minimum of First Name, Last Name and Title.

6.Optionally enter additional information.

7.Click Save


NOTE: More mandatory data entry fields can be defined in the People Mandatory Fields editor accessed via the Deskflow Administrator.


If the newly added Person is a duplicate, a message is displayed asking for confirmation.


Example: Person Quick Entry form



The Full Data Entry form uses a multi-tab form that is identical the Deskflow People View.


To Add a Person Using the Full Data Entry Form in the People view:

1.From the Deskflow Toolbar, click People. A pop-up list is displayed.

2.From the pop-up list, select People View. The People screen is displayed.

3.Click the Add Contact icon. A pop-up list is displayed.

4.Select Full Data Entry from the pop-up list.

5.Enter a minimum of First Name and Last Name

6.Optionally enter additional information. There are many tabs or sub-forms in which data may be entered for a person: general information; employment history; activity history; personal data; education; experience; skills; resumes/CVs and cover letters; associates or co-workers; networks; references; referrals; documents; credentials; other.

7.Click Save.

NOTE: If the newly added person is a duplicate, a message is displayed asking for confirmation.

Example: Person Full Data Entry Form



To Add a Person Using the Full Data Entry Form in the Contacts View :

1.From the Deskflow Toolbar, click People. A pop-up list appears.

2.From the pop-up list, select Contact Manager. The Contact Manager screen appears.

3.Search for a person using last name and first name.

If a person exists, update the record.

If a person does not exist, continue with step 4.

4.Click the Add Contact icon. A pop-up list appears.

5.From the pop-up list, select Full Data Entry.

6.Enter data as needed.

7.Currency values on required Salary and Rates will default to the Main Currency Code as defined by the Deskflow Administrator in the section called System Config > Main Currency Code. The default value of currency can be changed via the Currency drop down list in the bottom left section of the form.


8.Click Save.


This Full Data Entry form uses a long scrolling form that is identical to  Deskflow Contacts View.

There are many sections in which data may be entered for a person: general information; employment history; activity history; personal data; education; experience; skills; resumes/CVs and cover letters; associates or co-workers; networks; references; referrals; documents; credentials; other.


Example: Person Data Entry - Contacts form



To Add Multiple People From Excel:

Personal profiles of Contacts and Candidates can be entered from an Excel spreadsheet that has information such as name, job title, Company, phones, addresses, email addresses, notes, skills and resumes.

1.Click Tools > Import from Excel.

2.Refer to the section on Excel Importing.


To Add People From an Outlook Contact List:

1.From Outlook, select the Contacts folder.

2.Select the contacts to be copied to Deskflow.

3.Click Save in Deskflow.

4.Click Selected Contacts option.

5.Enter name of List to be saved.

6.Select manual or automatic duplicate resolution.

7.Click Import.


Example: People Data Entry - Outlook Form



To Add a Person to an Existing List of Company Contacts:

1.Open the Company > Contacts > Current Contacts tab.

2.Click the Add New Person as Current Contact icon, PlusIconB.

3.The New Person Entry Form is displayed.

4.Enter the mandatory fields of First Name, Last Name and Title.

5.Optionally enter remaining fields.

6.Click Save.


To Add a Person to an Existing List of Associates or Peers at the Same Company:

1.Find and display a person profile that already exists.

2.Click the Associates tab.

3.Click the Add New Associate icon, PlusIconB.

4.The New Person Entry Form is displayed.

5.Enter the mandatory fields of First Name, Last Name and Title.

6.Optionally enter remaining fields.

7.Click Save.


To Add Candidate(s) by Extracting a Resumes/CVs Attached to Emails:

1.Select Outlook Email(s) with attached Resume(s)/CV(s).

2.Click the Extract Attachments button in the Outlook menu.

3.Click the Selected Messages option.

4.Click Run.

5.Verify that the Resume/CV data form is correct.

6.Click the Import People into DB button.

7.Verify or change the options.

8.Click OK.


To Add Candidates from a List of Resumes/CVs:

1.Click Tools > Import People from Resumes.

2.Select Resumes/CVs of interest.

3.Click Open.

4.Verify that the Resume/CV form data is correct.

5.Click the Import People into DB button.

6.Verify or change the options.

7.Click OK.