Add Board Director

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To Add a Person as a Board Director:

1.Find and display the person who is to be assigned as a Director at a Company

2.Click the Add New Position icon

3.Enter a Position Start Date. Do not set the Primary Position flag, unless this is to be the person's only directorship Position. People can hold multiple directorships at the same time, so designating one of them as Primary is counter-intuitive. A Person can also hold a Primary or full-time executive Position at a company while being a director somewhere else.

4.If this is a past Position for the Director, enter a Position End Date

5.Link the Position record to the Company

6.Enter the job Title (Director, Board Director, Board Chair etc)

7.Set Pos.Type = NED

8.Set Role = Board Roles

9.Click Save Changes


Example: Add Director Position and Codes
