Browse JobOrders

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This sections applies to Direct Hire (Perm Hire) Job Orders as well as Contract Job Orders


To Browse a List of Job Orders:

1.Search for a list of Job Orders

2.Click any column header to Sort, optionally press Shift-Click to sort second column, or drag column header to Group By band

3.Double-click any row to zoom to details of job order


Example: Direct Hire Browse List




NOTE: The following split-screen feature can replace the My Job Orders


To Browse List of Job Orders in Split-screen mode:

1.Search for a list

2.Click the blue Double Left-Arrow icon (called Show Candidates Info)

3.Split screen shows Job Orders in left window and Candidates for selected Job Order in right window

4.Select any candidate in list then perform one of these actions:

Zoom to candidate

Show candidate statistics

Create SCR (Search Contact Record) for candidate.

Print report from list

Append new candidate for selected Job Order to: Considered Candidates List, List for Interview, or Presented Candidate List

Send Outlook email to candidate

Click Show/Hide Candidates Resumes panel. This is a floating panel that shows the resume/CV text

Optionally click the blue Hide Candidates Info double left arrow to revert to normal browse mode


Example: Direct Hire Browse List in Split Screen Mode



A Search Contact Record, known as an SCR, is a multi-purpose document used to share information between two or more people that are screening a candidate for a Job Order. The SCR has some unique properties, such as:

When first created, the SCR collects useful database content about the candidate and saves a copy in the SCR

There is only one SCR per candidate per JobOrder, so the document is like a blackboard where Deskflow Users can each contribute comments and thereby share information with other recruiters or consultants.

When printed, the SCR can be taken into an interview with a candidate. Additions and changes to the candidate's data can be written onto the document then later transferred back into the database.

Each time a recruiter, partner or consultant opens the SCR, a new date stamp is added as a preface to notes entered.

Structures data that is entered or modified on the SCR form updates the Deskflow database when Save is clicked.


To Create an SCR or Search Contact Record

5.Search for a list

6.Click the blue Double LeftArrow icon (called Show Candidates Info)

7.Split screen shows Job Orders in left window and Candidates for selected Job Order in right window

8.Select any candidate in list then perform one of these actions:

Zoom to candidate

Show candidate statistics

Create SCR (Search Contact Record) for candidate.


Example: SCR - Search Contact Record Form

SCR Search Contact Record Form