Career Centre Reports

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Examples: Career Centre Reports


Report Name:  CC01 Statistics on Web Applications Processed

Report Type: Summary report

Initiated From: Main Menu > Tools > Reports

Report Purpose: Preview or print a statistical summary of processed applications

New Candidates count

Updated candidates count

Bad candidates count

Duplicate candidates count

Total candidates

Useful To: Consultant, Recruiter, Management

Sort sequence: By Date

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: Company


Report Name:  CC02 Unprocessed Career Centre Candidates

Report Type: Summary report

Initiated From: Main Menu > Tools > Reports

Report Purpose: Preview or print a summary of unprocessed applications

JobOrder ID  and ProjectsID


Processed - Yes or No

Web applicant name

Resume document name

Useful To: Consultant, Recruiter, Management

Sort sequence: CreatedOn Date

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: none


Report Name:  CC03b Project Candidates Registered between dates

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: Main Menu > Tools > Reports

Report Purpose: Preview or print a summary of Project candidate applications between dates

Project code

Date Applied

Candidate name

Current job Title

Home Phone


Useful To: Consultant, Recruiter, Management

Sort sequence: By Project Code and Candidate last name

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: Company