Companies Reports

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Examples: Companies Reports


Report Name:  CO09 Company Profile

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: List of Company profiles or a single Company profile (orange right margin icon)

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of Company profiles containing:

Company contact info

Business  Addresses

Current Contacts and Activity History

Past Contacts and Activity History

Search Projects

Job Orders


Useful To: Consultant, Recruiter, Management, Client

Sort sequence: By Company name

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: Company


Report Name:  CO09S Company Profile Summary

Report Type: Summary report

Initiated From: List of Company names and summary of content (orange right margin icon)

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of Companies containing:

Company Name

Count of Addresses

Count of Current Contacts

Count of Past Contacts

Count of Projects

Count of Job Orders

Count of Activities

Date last updated

Date last updated by

Useful To: Consultant, Recruiter, Management, Client

Sort sequence: By Company name

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: Company