Company Industries and Rates

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Multiple Industry Codes are hierarchical, and generally show NAICS or SIC-type codes to 4 digits. The Industries sub-tab is used to identify which industry the Company belongs to.


To Add An Industry to a Company profile:

1.Click the Industries and Rates sub-tab.

2.Click the Add Link to Industry icon.

3.Select an Industry.

4.Select Rank in Industry.

5.Click Save Changes.


Rates that companies are prepared to pay for services are shown in the General Rates tab. Multiple rates may be added.


To Add a Rate to a Company profile:

1.Click the Industries and Rates sub-tab.

2.Click the Add New Rate icon.

3.Enter Rate description, Rate, % and Notes.

NOTE: The General Rate information is used for External Research organizations.

4.Click Save Changes.


Example: Company Industries and Rates
