Company Blocking/Off Limits

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A Company block (also called Company Off Limits) is a means to flag a Company as a client where head-hunting of employees is taboo.


The first time a Company is blocked/off limits, the Blocked Until date will automatically be set according to the Block Expiration Limit - Client Company value that is defined in System Wide Settings via the Deskflow Administrator utility.


In a People search or a Binocular icon search, employees of Blocked/Off Limits companies are colour coded in red font on a yellow background.


The first time a new Project is created and the Company is not a Client and is not blocked/off limits, Deskflow will automatically assign a Block/Off Limits flag and a Blocked Until date (X months from the current date)


There are several blocking options available:

Block/Off Limits the entire Company and all its employees

Block/Off Limits a Company and all its related companies

Block/Off Limits a Company based on All or Selected Locations and All or Selected Roles


Companies and their related Companies can be Blocked/Off Limits within the corporate hierarchy.

For instance, a Company subsidiary and all its children can be Blocked/Off Limits.

In the example below, ADP Services and its child company Abc Inc are Blocked/Off Limits, but the ultimate parent Hallmark is not Blocked/Off Limits.


Example: Company Blocking/Off Limits of Related Companies



Example: Company Block/Off Limits Expiration Limit
