Corporate Hierarchy

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The Corporate Hierarchy tab displays ownership relationships between Companies, Divisions, Branches, Operating units and so on.


Any Company in Deskflow can be linked to any other Company, and the relationship type may be defined from a drop down list.


Corporate Hierarchy

Organizations with a tiered structure of Ultimate Parent, Parent, Subsidiary, Division etc can be represented in the Deskflow Companies view with a graphical depiction of the hierarchical relationships.


In the main page of the Companies view, a company can be designated as having a relationship with another company. The relationship between the two companies is defined from a lookup list of relationship types such as Ultimate Parent, Parent, Subsidiary, Division, Local Operating Unit, Agency or Joint Venture. This process can be repeated for all the companies in the hierarchy.


In the Companies Org Tree tab, the hierarchical relationship is shown as a dependency tree.


To Link a Company to another Company:

1.Select and view a Company.

2.In the main page, Parent Company field, select the name of another company.

3.In the Link to Parent as field, select a relationship type from the lookup list.

4.Save the changes.

5.Open the Links and Chart > Organizational chart tab to see the relationship tree.


Example: Corporate Hierarchy
