Double-Running of Candidates

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Concurrent processing of the same Candidate on two Projects is called "Double-Running" or "Concurrent Processing" of the Candidate. Deskflow has a system of warnings about the status of a Candidate. These warnings are colours (yellow or red) on lists of Candidates that are about be included on a Project list.


When a Candidate is added to the Contact Register of an active Project there are no restrictions unless the Candidate works for a current Client or is already being considered for another active Project.


If the P = Project Block column in the Contact Register is blank (not yellow or red) for a Candidate, then the Candidate can freely be promoted to the Internal Interview stage, the Presented stage and the Short List for Client Interview stage.


Example: Project X1234 Candidates on Contact Register



Example: Project X1234 Candidates Presented and Short List for Client Interview



In doing a search for Candidates (using the Binocular icon) for another active Project, Candidates already on the Considered list for another active Project will be displayed in red text. This is merely a warning to the Deskflow User, and does not prevent selection of the Candidate for inclusion on the Project.


Example: Project X002 Red Colour warnings on Candidate search list (using binocular search icon)



Example: Project X002 Candidate P = Project Block warnings are yellow or red



Example: Project X002 Yellow-block warning when Candidate is promoted to Presented stage



A Candidate that is at the Short List for Client Interview stage for another active Project is blocked unless a manual unblock is done on the Candidate.


Example: Project X002 Red-blocked Candidate cannot be promoted to Presented stage
