Import Multiple Job Titles

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To Import Multiple Job Titles and Employers:

1.Open the Excel Import Utility

2.Enter details on first page of Import Form

3.Click Next to show the source and destination fields map

4.Map all fields except the multiple employment records

5.Click the Add Field to Target Field icon

6.Select table Former Positions

7.Select a value for Number (2 for the second employment position)

8.Click Select Field value of JobTitle from the drop down list

9.Map source JobTitle field to destination field JobTitle(2)

10.Click the Add Field to Target Field icon

11.Select table Former Positions

12.Select a value for Number (2 for the second employment position)

13.Click Select Field value of CompanyName from the drop down list

14.Map source Company2 field to destination field CompanyName(2)

15.Repeat steps 5 to 14 for all previous job titles

16.Verify accuracy of source and destination map

17.Setup a People List name

18.Click the Import icon to start the Excel import


Example: Select Field called Former Positions



Example: Select JobTitle



Example: Map source and destination fields