Job Order Reports

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Example of Job Order Reports:


Report Name: JO08 Job Order Candidates Pipeline

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: List of Job Orders or a single Job Order (orange right margin icon)

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of Job Order stages, and candidates per stage. Stages are:

Placed Candidates

Candidates for Client Interview

Candidates Presented

Candidates for Internal Interviews

Candidates Considered

Web Candidates (Ad respondents)

Useful To: Job Order Consultant, Job Order Recruiter, Management, Client

Sort sequence: By Job Order and Candidate last name

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: Job Order


Report Name: JO09 Candidate Counts by Job Order Stage

Report Type: Summary report

Initiated From: List of Job Orders or a single Job Order (orange right margin icon)

Report Purpose: Preview or print candidate counts at each stage of a Job Order. Stages are:

JobOrder ID

Candidates Considered

Web Candidates (Ad Respondents)

Candidates for Internal Interviews

Candidates Presented

Short listed candidates

Useful To: Job Order Consultant, Job Order Recruiter, Management, Client

Sort sequence: By Client company name

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: None