People Reports

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Examples: People Reports


Report Name:  PO03 Personal Profile - Detailed

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: List of People or a single Person profile (orange right margin icon)

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of personal profiles containing:

Contact information


Current Company

Employment History

Education History

Activity History

Personal Notes

Mailing Lists



Useful To: Consultant, Recruiter, Management, Client

Sort sequence: By Person last name

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: Person


Report Name:  PO08 Phone List Sorted by Company

Report Type: Summary report

Initiated From: List of People or a single Person profile (orange right margin icon)

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of names and phone numbers:

Contact information

Current Company

Useful To: Consultant, Recruiter, Management, Client

Sort sequence: By Person last name

Filter Criteria: None.

Page Break: Person