Launching Outlook from Deskflow

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Deskflow and Outlook can be closely integrated by launching Outlook from Deskflow.


If Deskflow and Outlook are launched independently, then there will be no communication back and forth between Deskflow and Outlook.


In order to "link" Deskflow to Outlook, there are two scenarios:

Scenario 1: Deskflow launches Outlook from the main menu

Deskflow launches Outlook from the main menu and creates a green outline around the Outlook icon.

When Deskflow is closed Outlook is optionally closed as well.



Scenario 2: Deskflow and Outlook are launched independently

Deskflow is launched independently

Outlook is launched independently

Deskflow and Outlook are then linked by clicking the main menu Outlook icon

When Deskflow is closed, Outlook remains open but the Deskflow icons are removed from the Outlook toolbar.
