People Lists

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The list that results from a People Search or a People Power Search may be saved as a static list, which is a snapshot that can be changed by manually adding or removing People from the list.


A People List is saved in folders under the People > Find > List tab.

When a list is open, it appears in the Browse tab. The columns that appear in the Browse tab can be moved left or right by clicking on the title of a column dragging the column left or right. This drag and drop feature customizes the order in which columns are displayed on the list.

Click on a column heading to sort the column. Click again to reverse sort it.

Search a search column by pressing CTRL+F.


Create folders in which to save lists. Delete or rename existing folders.

There are shared folders for Public access by all Users, and a Private folder for each User.


People Lists can be copied, pasted, merged, sub-divided and deleted. They can be used as input to mass emails, mass mailings and printed in different report formats. They can also be exported as Outlook contacts and exported into Excel spreadsheets.


People List Features

The results of any search for People or Candidates is always a list of People.

To sort any column, click on the header label. A second click will sort in the opposite direction.

To hide/show any columns, click on the green icon in the top left corner of the grid.

To change the relative position of a column, drag it left or right using the header label.

To zoom to a person in the list, double click a selected row.

To save the list, click Save Current List As….

To print a report based on the list, click Print List of People, and select a report template from the Report Manager People folder.

To search for a column entry in the sorted column of a list, enter the text string in the Search For box.

To move up and down the list, click the up/down cursor icons on the right hand side.


Types of Lists:

There are six types of list: Opportunities, Events, Companies, People, Projects and Job Orders.

Lists can only be merged to other lists of the same type.


Resumes/CVs List:

The Resume/CV text view can be toggled on or off using the Double-Arrow icons, DoubleLeftArrowsB.

After a search for skills and/or Resume phrases, the skills will be highlighted in blue and the Resume/CV phrases in red.

The column labeled FTR is the Full-Text Ranking index. This has a value between 1 and 1000.

The Resumes/CVs shown are in plain text format, not MS Word format.

To zoom to a Person's profile, select a row then double-click.


List Management:

The List Management feature is provided for People, Companies, Projects and Job Orders.

Lists can be created, named and saved in User-defined folders.

Lists are static, in that the names can be added or deleted from a list, but the original factors that may have been used to seed the list are not saved. To learn more about Dynamic lists, refer to Power Search

Lists can be copied, cut, renamed, sub-divided and merged with other lists.

Lists can be used as input to reports, mass emails, mass mail merges, Excel exports, and Outlook exports.