People View

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The People View shows a detailed profile of Candidates and contacts. Each People View has 12 sub-tabs, each containing a category of information.


Person Details Tab

To view a People record from the Browse List, double click on a selected row. To return to the Browse List, click on the Browse Tab.


Other Search Options

Search Last Name, First Name, Initial, Title, Company, Resume/CV content, CreatedOn, UpdatedOn dates and by other fields included in the sub-tabs.


Address and Phone Sub-tab

Search Address and Phone sub-tab fields.


Personal Attributes Sub-tab

Search on Status, Type, Rating, Language, Bilingual, Degree, and/or Base/Total Compensation.


Activity History and Industry Sub-tab

Search Activity History and/or Industry.


Skills and Role Code Sub-tab

Search for Skills and Role Codes.


Availability Sub-tab

Search on Availability.