Power Searching for People

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A Power Search is a User-designed Boolean query comprising pre-built BASIC queries or building blocks. It can search any data field in the database and concurrently search for document content.


One of the benefits of a Power Search query is that it can be saved then re-used with different parameters.


The general structure of a Power Search query is:




where QUERY1, QUERY2 etc are BASIC queries on a set of database fields and/or documents


There are 150 BASIC queries provided in the Deskflow People Power Search view. See list below:


More BASIC queries may be built using the Administrator utility.

In People Power Search, each BASIC query returns a set of PeopleIDs.

In Companies Power Search, each BASIC query returns a set of CompaniesIDs.

In Projects Power Search, each BASIC query returns a set of ProjectsIDs.


An example of a People Power Search is:


Example: Search for People on four data fields using editable parameters in the last column



This People Power Search has the following structure:




































CONNECTOR has drop down values of:





QUERYNAME has about 120 different values in a drop down list (see Addendum for details).


OPERATOR (also called a comparison operator) has drop down values of:




Less or Equal

used for numeric comparisons

Greater Than

used for numeric comparisons

Greater or Equal

used for numeric comparisons

Not Equal

used for numeric or date values


means string BEGINS WITH parameter

Not Like

means string does not BEGIN WITH parameter

Is Between

is used for numeric or date ranges. Needs two parameters

Is Not Between

is used for numeric or date ranges. Needs two



Is In List

lists like NY, NJ, CT, MD

Is Not In List

lists like NY, NJ, CT, MD

Is Null

means the field is empty

Is Not Null

means the field is not empty


PARAMETER is text that a User types into the box. It must match the OPERATOR type.


OPENBRACKET and CLOSEBRACKET are inserted by clicking in the small boxes provided.

An existing bracket can be removed by clicking in the box where it exists.


Basic Query Names


Example: Names of People Power Search Queries - query syntax is shown below:

Activity History CompletedBy

Home Address ZIP or Postal Code

Person OpportunityType

Activity History CompletedOn

Home Phone

Person Rating is

Activity History Notes Containing Word(s) or Phrase(s)

Inactive Clients

Person Record Owner1

Activity History Type

Last Name

Person Record Owner2

Activity History Subject

Long Lost Client Contacts

Person Status Code


Main Language

Person Type Is

Bad Email Addresses

People from Companies in Area Code

Person with CustomDate1

Business Address ZIP or Postal Code

People from Public Companies

Person with CustomDate2

Business or Work Phone

People from Public Companies in Industry Code

Person with CustomText1

Candidates Applying to JobOrder

People from Companies with OpportunityCode

Person with CustomText2

Candidates Considered for JobOrder

People from Companies with Owner

Projects AppliedTo

Candidates for Internal Interview

People on List with Name

Resume Contains Word(s) or Phrase

Candidates Placed by our Company

People with Company Notes

Resume Document Name is Incorrect

Candidates Presented for a JobOrder

People with Documents

Resume does Not Contain Word(s) or Phrase

Candidates Presented for All JobOrders

People with Email

Resume Text Search

Candidates Registration Date

People Placing Orders for Company with Owner1

Temp Order Contacts with OrderDate

Candidates Recruiter Login Name

People with Origin

Test Bookkeeping Score

Candidates with no Email., Phone and Address

People with Origin2

Test Dicta Typing Score

Contact Register for Project Code

People with Resumes/CVs

Test Filing Score

Client Contacts without Contract Orders since Date

People with Role in Any Positions

Test French Language Score

Current Job Title

People with Role in Current Positions

Test Grammar Score

Current or former Department

People with Role in Primary Positions

Test MS Access Score

Current or former Job Title

People with RTF Email

Test MS Excel Score

Current Primary Job Title

People with Skills

Test PowerPoint Score

Current Salary

People without Email

Test Word Score

Current Total Compensation

People without Resumes

Test Shorthand Score

Currently employed by Company

People without Skills

Test SpeedWriting Score

Currently Employed in IndustryCode

Person Record Created By

Test Spelling Score

Currently working in City

Person having Date Available

Test Typing Errors

Currently working in State

Person has Current Contract Position

Test Typing Score

Degree Name

Person has Function

Test Wonderlick Score

Email Address

Person has Skill Name

Test Word Processing Score

File Search Candidates for Project Code

Person is a Project Source

Test WordPerfect Score

First Name

Person is Ad Respondent to Job Order No


Former Employee of Company

Person is Ad Respondent to Project No


Former Job Title

Person is Bilingual


Formerly worked in City

Person is Source for Project No


Home Address City

Person Record Last Updated By


Home Address State

Person Notes Contain Words



The BASIC queries are accessible from a drop down list. Power Search capabilities are provided for Companies,  People and Projects, but the searches for People are the most well developed and most often used. There are about 110 pre-built low level BASIC queried defined for People. Text for these queries are shown in the Addendum.


Example of Power Search


Example: Search for Presidents but not Vice Presidents (shows drop down list of BASIC queries).



Candidate Power Search

This search screen provides a very flexible and powerful way to combine low-level queries into higher-level compound queries. A high-level query can be cataloged and re-used. The top half of the Power Search form is for building, saving, retrieving and executing power-search queries. The bottom half of the screen is for building a matrix to rank the search results.

To clear the screen of previous search forms, click Clear All.

To create a Power Search form, click Add Line, then click Add New Regular Search Line.

Add more lines as needed, then program each line with a low level query, a condition clause, and search text.

Link each line to the previous one with an AND/OR connector, and add brackets for OR lines.

To execute a power-search, click Search.

To save the results of a query, click Save Current List As….

To print a report from the query result set, click Print and select a report in the People folder.


Power Search Example

The Power Search capability provides a means to create a custom Boolean search of all database and text content. Pre-defined low-level queries can be combined into a compound query. This can be saved for re-use. A separate utility provided in the Deskflow Administrator module allows User to edit the dictionary of low-level queries, and to add new queries to the dictionary.

This search will use an existing list with the name of “Baan Candidates”, then AND the results with a search for People currently working in Ontario, then AND the results with Candidates that have ALL of the named five skills.

The final result will be displayed as a list of People that meet all the specified requirements.