Project Browse List Actions

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A Project Browse List has nine actions that can be performed from the right margin icons:

Save as New List of Projects

Print Report for List of Projects

Add Project to List

Delete Project from List

Export all Listed Projects to Excel

Move First

Move Previous

Move Next

Move Last


To Save a Project Browse List:

1.Click the Save as New List of Projects icon, SaveIconB.

2.Select a destination folder for the browse list name.

3.Enter the New List Name.

4.Click Save.


To Print a Report on a Project Browse List:

1.Click the orange Print Preview icon, PrintPreviewB.

2.Select a report template name.

3.Double-click the report template name.

4.The report preview is displayed and may be printed or saved.


To Add a Project to the Browse List:

1.Click the Add Project to List icon, PlusIconB.

2.Find one or more Projects and add them to the list.

3.Click OK.


To Remove a Project from the Browse List:

1.Multi-select Project(s) to be removed from the List.

2.Click the Delete Project from List icon, DeleteFromListB.

3.Click Yes.