Split a Project Browse View

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The Browse View of Projects can be split into two windows: the left window is a list of Projects, and the right window contains details for a selected Project. The icons to split and un split a browse view are:

DoubleLeftArrowsB DoubleRightArrowB


To Split a Projects Browse view:

1.Click the double- left-arrow icon, DoubleLeftArrowsB.

2.The Projects Browse list splits into two windows.

3.Select a Project in the left window.

4.Review the Candidate list in the right window.


To Un split a Projects Browse view:

1.Click the double right-arrow icon, DoubleRightArrowB.

2.The Project Browse list returns to a single window.


The following actions can be performed from a split browse:

Zoom To Candidate, Zoom

Show Candidate Statistics, CandidateStatistics

Show Candidate Tasks, TasksB

Create a Search Contact Record, SCRB for Selected Candidate

Print/Preview Report For Candidate(s), PrintPreviewBlue

Link New Candidate To Selected Project, PushpinB

Send Email To Selected Candidate, EmailIconB

Show/Hide Candidate Resumes Panel CVPanelShowHide


Example: Split Projects Browse - shows Candidates in right window
