Project Reports

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Examples of some key Project reports:


Project Reports for Client-Candidate Interviews


Report Name: SC01a Client Interviews of Project Candidates  (old reference # SD5c)

Report Type: Detail report with User-specified date parameters

Initiated From: Deskflow Main Menu > Tools > Reports

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of Client-Candidate Interviews, including dates, times, Candidate names, Client Interviewer names, phone numbers and post-interview comments. Report content is similar to SD19.

Useful To: Project Coordinators and Executive Assistants

Sort sequence: By Interview date and time

Filter Criteria: All Interviews between specified start and end dates. Dates are calculated in Universal Time.

Page Break: None


Report Name: SD19 Project Client Interviews  (old reference # SD17)

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: List of Projects or a single Project via right margin printer icon

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of Client-Candidate Interviews, including dates, times, Candidate names, Client Interviewer names, phone numbers and post-interview comments.

Useful To: Project Coordinators and Executive Assistants

Sort sequence: By Client, Project and Interview date/time

Filter Criteria: All Candidate Interviews for each Client.

Page Break: None


Report Name: SC06 Project Interviews Summaries by User  (old reference # SM21)

Report Type: Summary report

Initiated From: Deskflow Main Menu > Tools > Reports

Report Purpose: Preview or print a list of Client-Candidate Interviews, including dates, times, Candidate names, Client Interviewer names, phone numbers and post-interview comments.

Useful To: Project Coordinators and Executive Assistants

Sort sequence: By Interviewer and Interview date/time

Filter Criteria: All Interviews between specified start and end dates. Dates are calculated in Universal Time.

Page Break: None


Project Reports for Researchers


Report Name: SE04 All Research Registers  (old reference # SC14)

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: List of Projects or a single Project via right margin orange printer icon

Report Purpose: Preview or print for each Project all the Research tab Candidate lists as well as the Contact Register.

Useful To: Project Coordinators and Executive Assistants

Grouping: Lists are grouped into the following categories:

Contact Register

Client Employees

Source Referrals


Ad Respondents

Target Company Candidates

Benchmark Candidates

File Search Candidates

Sort sequence: By Project and Candidate Last Name

Filter Criteria: Includes only Research lists and Contact Register.

Page Break: Project


Report Name: SE04b All Research Registers Export to Excel   (old reference # SC14b)

Report Type: Detail report initiated from a list of Projects or from a single Project

Initiated From: List of Projects or a single Project via right margin orange printer icon

Report Purpose: Excel export for each Project all the Research tab Candidate lists as well as the Contact Register. Same content and format as report SC14

Useful To: Executive Assistants who have to prepare documentation for Clients.


Project Reports for Execution Team and Client Team


Report Name: SD01b Candidate Pipeline  (old reference # SD1b)

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: List of Projects or a single Project via right margin orange printer icon

Report Purpose: Preview or print for each Project all the Candidate stage lists starting with the Contact Register and ending with Placed Candidate(s).

Candidate name, current job title, current employer and call status are shown.

Pipeline statistics are shown in the first band.

Useful To: Partners, Coordinators and probably Clients

Grouping: Lists are grouped into the following categories:

Placed Candidate(s)

Candidate for Client Interview

Candidates Presented

Candidates for Internal Interviews

Contact Register

Sort sequence: By Client, Project and Candidate Last Name

Filter Criteria: Research lists are excluded

Page Break: Project

Instructions: Initiate this report from the right margin printer icon in a list of Projects or a single Project


Report Name: SD02b Contact Register with SCR Notes   (old reference # SD4b)

Report Type: Detail report initiated from a list of Projects or from a single Project

Initiated From: List of Projects or a single Project via right margin orange printer icon

Report Purpose: Preview or print for each Project the Contact Register  (Long List)

Shows Candidate name, current job title, current employer, call status and SCR notes.

Pipeline statistics are shown in the first band.

Useful To: Project Coordinators and Executive Assistants

Grouping: None

Sort sequence: By Client, Project and Candidate Last Name

Filter Criteria: Only the Contact Register is printed

Page Break: Project

Instructions: Initiate this report from the right margin printer icon in a list of Projects or a single Project.


Report Name: SC03 Candidate Counts by Project Stage   (old reference # SD5c)

Report Type: Summary report

Initiated From: List of Projects or from a single Project

Report Purpose: Preview or print a summary of candidate counts at each of the selected Projects

Useful To: Partners and Project Coordinators

Grouping: None

Sort sequence: By Client and Project

Filter Criteria: None

Page Break: None


Report Name: SD18 Project Candidates - Highest Stages Reached  (old reference # SD16)

Report Type: Detail report

Initiated From: List of Projects or a single Project via right margin orange printer icon

Report Purpose: Preview or print for each Project all the Candidate stage lists starting with the Contact Register and ending with Placed Candidate(s).  Each candidate only appears once in the highest stage reached. Pipeline statistics are shown in the first band.

Candidate name, current job title, current employer and call status are shown

Useful To: Partners, Coordinators and probably Clients

Grouping: Lists are grouped into the following categories:

Placed Candidate(s)

Candidate for Client Interview

Candidates Presented

Candidates for Internal Interviews

Contact Register

Sort sequence: By Client, Project and Candidate Last Name

Filter Criteria: Research lists are excluded

Page Break: Project

Instructions: Initiate this report from the right margin printer icon in a list of Projects or a single Project