Resumes/CVs tab

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The Resumes/CV tab show a list of Resumes/CVs in the top half of the window, and text versions of Resumes/CVs and associated cover letters in the bottom half of the window. Each Resume/CV item is date-stamped. Cover letters are plain text, and can be edited.


A Candidate normally submits a Resume/CV and cover letter from the Career Centre application form.

A Candidate can submit multiple resumes, with each resume being date-stamped on receipt.

Deskflow automatically creates a text version of the resume when it is first received or imported, and when a resume is edited and re saved, the text version is updated automatically.

The text versions of all resumes are automatically full-text indexed to speed up a phrase search.

NOTE: If a person applies to a Project or Job Order via the Web site application form, the Project Code will be added automatically.

Example: Candidate Resumes/CVs
