Search Company Activity History

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To Search for Activity History by Date:

1.Open the Company History tab

2.Click the Calendar icon.

3.Select a date.

4.Activity History after the selected date is displayed.


To View All Activity History:

1.Uncheck the Use Date Filter option.


To View Specific Activity Types:

1.Click the Type drop down and select a value from the drop-down list.


To Save Your Favourite Filter settings:

1.Click the Save Current Settings for future use on this form icon.

2.Click Save Changes.


To Sort on Two Columns:

1.Click the first column to sort in ascending sequence

2.Shift+Click the second column header to sort in ascending sequence


Example: Two-column sort



To Enlarge Activity Notes Window:

1.Double-click anywhere in the Notes field.

2.Close the window to return to normal size.


To Enlarge Activity Notes Font Size:

1.Click the Modify Font for Notes icon.

2.Select the required font type and size.