Search for Companies

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The Companies Search tab provides the ability to search for Companies using pre-defined fields, and can concurrently search text notes, documents and activity history.


The result of a search is a list of Companies. If only one record is found, a detail profile is opened, else a browse list of Companies will be displayed. Double click any row to show details on the highlighted Company.


Enter text in one or more fields. The search is an AND search on fields containing text.


Several text strings separated by a comma may be entered in any text field that does not have a drop down list. The comma designates an OR condition between the text strings in the field.


All fields assume an anchored, left justified search (item begins with...). Text strings within a field must be separated by commas but extra spaces are ignored. Strings that contain a comma cannot be searched.


In the Full-text search section, search for words or phrases separated by commas. Extra spaces are ignored.


There are two search screens available for finding Companies in Deskflow: Regular Search and Power Search.


The Regular Search has commonly-used fields in a pre-defined or static form, where each text box with a search value in it is combined with all others that have values. This is called an AND search. The limitation is that only pre-defined fields and text documents can be searched in this form.


The result of a search is a list of Companies in the Browse tab.

If only one Company record is found, the Company Detail tab will be displayed.

If more than one Company is found, the Browse list will display names of Companies.

Double click any row of the Companies Browse list to view the Company details.

To return to the Browse list, click the Browse tab.

To return to the Query Form, click the Find tab.