Search for One or More Companies

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To Search for one or more Companies:

1.Enter text in any of the Companies Query Form fields. The search is an AND search on text fields.

2.In any text field that does not have a drop down icon, several text strings separated by a comma may be entered. The comma designates an OR condition within the text field.

NOTE:  Fields that have drop-down lists can not search for comma delimited values.

3.Click Search. The result of a search is a Browse list of Companies.

4.Double-click a selected row to zoom to the detail record of the Company


To Search for a Specific Company:

1.Enter the Company name.

2.Click Search.


Optionally search for a Company using fields such as: Parent Company, city, state, zip, country, location type, branch name, status, marketing status, ownership, products, competition, industry, role code, Owner 1, Owner2, CreatedBy, UpdatedBy and/or attributes.


The Browse List tab is available for displaying Companies that have been previously saved as a list.