Add a New Project

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To Add a New Project or Assignment :

1.From the main Deskflow  toolbar, click Projects to load the Projects view.

2.Click Add New. A blank Project screen appears.

3.Enter the Project No. The Project number can be any combination of letters and numbers. Do not duplicate existing Project numbers.

4.The Web Alias number is different from the Project number and is auto-generated by a Job Posting.

5.In the Position Title field, type the position title. This is the official title that the Client gives to the open position. This field is mandatory, and is not accessible in the Projects Mandatory Fields utility in Deskflow Administrator.

6.Enter Partner and Coordinator names from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all Active Deskflow Users.

7.Enter the Role Code for the Position. The Role Code is a two-level, hierarchical job classification code that is pre-defined when Deskflow is first installed. It is a standard way of defining the job position. These codes can  accurately search for Candidates matching the position requirements. Role Codes are also useful for reporting, searching and posting purposes.

8.Enter Project Status from the drop-down list (defaults to Active).

NOTE: When a Candidate is placed in the position, the Project's Status will automatically change to Completed.

9.Select the Project Type from the drop-down list (usually Full Search).

10.Click the Select Client from Companies icon PushpinB to select the Client Company name. If the Client’s name does not exist in the list, click the Add New Company icon to add the Client to the database.

11.Select the Client Address from the lookup list. This is the location where the placed Candidate is going to work.

12.Accept or change the default Position Currency type for the Project. The default value is set up in the Deskflow Administrator:


13.Enter the Proposed Base Salary for the position. Manually add Proposed Base Salary plus the Benefits to get the Estimated Compensation.

14.Enter details on up to five Proposed Benefit records.

15.Enter the Proposed Estimated Compensation for the position. This amount is used to calculate the fees to be charged for the search project. After an offer is made and accepted by a Candidate, the difference between the Estimated Compensation and the Actual Compensation is used to calculate a final billing adjustment.

16.Enter Proposal Date. This is the date on which the formal proposal was made to the Client.

17.Enter Confirmation Date. This is the date that the Client confirmed acceptance of the proposal.

18.Do not enter Project Control Record (PCR) information yet. After the Work Teams have been defined, a PCR may be printed.

19.Click the Show Project Planner button to the right of the Search Completed Date.

20.Load a Project Planner Template from the library (see below for details).

21.Click Save. The Project will be added to the list of active Projects.