Appendix 3 - Skills and Attributes Dictionaries

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The Deskflow Skills dictionary has a User-definable tree or folder structure.

Each branch of the tree is called a Category.

Each Category can have Skills or Attributes assigned to it.

Each Skill can be assigned a Unit of Measure: eg Months, Years, Dollars, Percent, Keystrokes per second etc.

Each Skill must be a unique text string without characters like comma, apostrophe, quote marks and slashes.

Each Skill can have multiple Aliases. Each Skill has at least one Alias that is the same as the Skill.

Skills Aliases enable more efficient searching of Resume/CV content by searching for all aliases of a root level Skill.

Edit rights to the Skills Dictionary and Companies Attributes must be assigned by the Deskflow Administrator.


Examples of Skills aliases for a People Skill called Business Development could be:



Marketing and Sales

Sales and Marketing

External Sales

Internal Sales


A sample People Skills dictionary is shown below.

The left-side window is for Skills Categories

The middle window is for Skills

The right-side window is for Skills Aliases for the root skill


Example: Skills Dictionary with Units of Measure



A sample Company Attributes dictionary is shown below.


Example: Company Attributes for a Medical Recruiting application
