Browse People

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The People Browse list results from a People search or a Power Search.


The widths and relative locations of the Browse columns are adjustable and remembered for each User.

Columns can also be hidden or shown by clicking the green icon in the top-left corner of the browse window.


Click on a column header to sort that column. Click again to do an opposite sort.

Double-click any row to zoom to the detail. To return to the Browse List, click on the Browse tab.


A People Browse list may be vertically split to show/hide Person Profile report, Resumes/CVs, Activity History and Availability.


On a text search of Resumes/CVs, a useful column to show on the far left side of the Browse window is the Full Text Ranking Index called FTR. This can have a value between 1 and 1000 to signify how well each Person's Resume/CV matches the search text.


If a Person has two identical Resumes/CVs, then only one row will result and show the FTR value

If a Person has two or more different Resumes/CVs then only one People row will result and show the  FTR value, but it will show the highest FTR value of the multiple Resumes/CVs


Example: People Browse List
