Create Contract Job Order Invoice

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To Create Contract Invoices:

1.To create an invoice, click the Load Contract Invoices icon in the top right corner.

2.Click the blue Add New Invoice icon to add Invoice data from the time-sheets. You must enter a Start and Accrual date.

3.Click the Save icon.

4.To make changes to a previously saved invoice, click the edit invoice icon.

5.Click Print Invoices icon to preview the invoices.

6.Select the desired invoice, by double clicking and the invoice will be displayed.

7.Click the print report icon to print the invoice.

8.For entering large volumes of Time-sheets, use the main menu Time-Sheets icon or use the web-based time-sheet entry module.


Example: Add New Contract Invoice



Example: Billing Summary for Contract Job Order




Example: Contract Invoice (using report template JB01)
