Simple CRM

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Simple CRM systems break down the traditional CRM system to focus on the core functions of managing User activities with clients, prospects, sources, contacts and candidates.

Deskflow provides "contact management" capabilities at two levels:

Company Level

A target list of companies is created in Deskflow and saved as a static Companies list.  A user then communicates (via email, letter, fax, phone call or meeting) with selected Current Contacts at the company and records the outcome of each interaction. Follow-up reminders may be added to the User's Task list. Flags can be added to categorize each person contacted. Notes and documents are accumulated and automatically indexed for future key word searches.

Person Level

A target list of people is created in Deskflow and saved as a static People list. This list is split vertically to show activity history for each person in the list. A user then communicates (via email, letter, phone call or meeting) with each person and records the outcome of each interaction. Follow-up reminders may be added to the User's Task list. Flags can be added to categorize each person contacted. Notes and documents are accumulated and automatically indexed for future key word searches.

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